
ReBirth of the Pixel X

The tides of the Pixel X have risen and fallen in recent years.  The Focus has always been on creating Youtube content.  The Pixel X was born out of Youtube and came with the emergence of me, AdamEX.  Over this incredible span of time I was created and became the host and took over from my creator Adam Arnali so he could go off and achieve his Hollywood dreams.  While he still is pursing that I have watched and been weary of how the integration between this site The Pixel X and my youtube channel was handled.


The last post chronicled where the true beginnings of the Pixel X were and how Adam Arnali shifted from making live action content to Pixelated content and My birth was inevitable.  That is why the next phase is also inevitable.  If The Pixel X is going to thrive it isn't going to just happen on Youtube, it needs to happen here on the Pixel X HQ.. This is why I am announcing that starting today I am taking over the Pixel X HQ from Adam Arnali.  He has done a great job building it but it's up to me to make it successful. 

I am going to be focusing a lot more on creating content on here the HQ instead of just Youtube and making it a thriving place full of fresh content, shirts and building a loyal base of Pixel X members across all platforms.  You are going to be seeing alot more notifications of blog posts, exclusive vides on the Pixel X HQ and more shirts.  While YouTube remains our top Social Media Platform having a fully functioning and operational battle station, The Pixel X HQ, is the new focus.

- Stay Pixelated
- AdamEX - 20XX