
Training With Terry Bogard

Finally! I have started my training with Terry Bogard.  He is teaching me the Power Geyser.  

Terry owes me big time from When I distracted Ryu.  Ryu could have finished Terry for good during there battle. 

 Luckil for Terry he is getting a chance to go after Ryu in Super Smash Bros Ultimate.  Terry was able to fit me in for a training session before he leaves for the Super Smash Bros Tournament.  Wow, with Terry Leaving for Smash what's going to happen on the streets of South Town?

When I heading to the gym i got approached by 3 thugs who claimed they owned the Gym. 


Is Terry getting soft? I mean how do these punks think that they run the city. Maybe Terry needs to go to the Smash Tournament to get his power wave back. Which means I need to step it up and clean up these streets while he's gone. Maybe that way i can level up my power glove and get revenge against Ryu if Terry doesn't finish him off first!

Pixel X Challenge:  Who is Terry's real life arch nemesis?

Let me know your answer as a DM on discord or email me at adam@pixelx.studio for 4 pixels. 


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