
Who is Rebuilding Dr. Wily Robots?


Glitch Boy Gang The Neo Wily's sitting with Dr. Wily Robots from Mega Man including Metal Man.

Glitch Boy

Glitch Boy is a Mega Man series in between Mega Man and Mega Man X where mega man has been destroyed and Robots are starting to take over.  What will the humans do when Mega Man isn't there to save them?

At the end of Glitch Boy part 2.  Crash says "Let's Rebuild them all."  Referring to rebuilding past Dr. Wily Robots.  Who is actually doing the rebuilding of Dr. Wily Robots and now that we are seeing them appear in the Real World of Mega City what about the Simulation that Glitch Boy is trapped in?  Would we see simulated versions of Dr. Wily's Robots?  Hopefully Glitch Boy can escape the Nexus so he can help put a stop to the Neo Wilys and the fall of the human race.

Watch Glitch Boy Into The Nexus Below.



Glitch Boy In Mega Man 2.  by Kamimation Studios.  Play as Glitch Boy and try to stop Dr. Wily and his 8 Wily Robots  Film out the form to download the game for free.


Who originally made the first 6 Wily Robots?

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