Elisabeth and Blanka Vs Mudmen - Pixel Vixen #17
Elisabeth and Blanka Vs Mudmen - Pixel Vixen #17
Elisabeth and Blanka Vs Mudmen - Pixel Vixen #17
Elisabeth and Blanka Vs Mudmen - Pixel Vixen #17

Elisabeth and Blanka Vs Mudmen - Pixel Vixen #17

Regular price $ 6.00
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Karin is as a self-styled rival of Sakura, she naturally has a similar outfit, complete with sailor fuku, except hers is predominantly red and white with a blue bola tie. Here she is jumping in front of her helicopter. 
  • Character: Elisabeth
  • Game:King of the Fighters
  • Martial Art: French Savate
  • Vixen Rank: 1
  • Tier: 1
  • Main Attack: Aurore - Special
  • Super: Grand Rafale
  • Groove: C-Groove


    Trading Card

    #1 AnthonyHeartNet
    #2 LeavittoBeav
    #3 DokiDonut
    #4 CakeBoy
    #5 LucariogX96

    4x6 Print

    #1 meowthie
    #2 crestiepops
    #3 AnthonyHeartNet
    #4 ZippedFuture
    #5 LeavItToBeav
    #6 DokiDonut
    #7 CakeBoy


    #1 Owned by Cryptosaurs
    #2 N/A
    #3 N/A
    #4 N/A
    #5 N/A