Blaze Fielding (ブレイズ・フィールディング) is one of the main protagonists of the Streets of Rage series, having appeared in every game as a playable character alongside Axel Stone. She is a former member of the Wood Oak City Police Department. Here she is performing a jump kick.
Tier: 1 / Holographic: 3Main Attack: Jump Kick - Basic
Super: Police Call * Super Imprisons EnemyGroove: N-Groove
Trading Card |
#1 JohnnyBravo * Holo
Trading Card 1 of 1 Holographic |
#1 JohnnyBravo |
Trading Card 1 of 1 Holographic #2 |
#1 JohnnyBravo
#1 Owned by B3KROBB
4x6 Print |
#1 Owned by teeky811