Felicia is a Catwoman who was taken in and raised by a Sister named Rose who gave her the name Felicia from the word Felicity. Despite her identity as a Darkstalker being exposed, she was not turned away by her as Felicia had feared. When Rose passed away, Felicia left her town hoping to be a musical star. Here she is removing her Nun outfit. Animated by AdamEX
- Character: Felicia
- Game: Darkstalkers
- Martial Art: Cat Scratch Fever
- Fighting Type: Magic Type
- Vixen Rank: 1 / Holographic: 2
- Tier: 1 / Holographic: 3
- Main Attack: Hell Cat - Special
- Super: Please Help Me
- Groove:P-Groove
Trading Card |
#1 Slim2005
Tier 2 Holographic |
#1 Garuma
Tier 3 Holographic |
#1 Klit0sa
#1 Owned by B3KROBB
4x6 Print |
#1 Owned by ryangames