Mai Shiranui is a player character in the Fatal Fury and The King of Fighters series of fighting games by SNK. Here Andy doesn't accept her gift and she burns him alive.
Character: Mai
Game: Fatal Fury 2
Martial Art: Shiranui Ninjitsu
Vixen Rank: 2
Tier: 2
Main Attack: Sankaku Tobi - Command Basic
Super: Hana Arashi
Groove: P-Groove
#1 FoxyGrandpa #2 AnthonyHeartNet #3 LeavittoBeav #4 Johnny Vio #5 Doki Donut
#1 Owned by Flanagan07 #2 Owned by Dinosrock #3 Owned by madboxing #4 Owned by FoxyGrandpa #5 Owned by Sarolde #6 Owned by crestiepops #7 Owned by pbay123 #8 Owned by meowthie #9 Owned by anthonyheartnet #10 Owned by blushlipstickrepeat #11 Owned by Kevin S #12 Owned by LeavittoBeav #13 Johnny Vio #14 DokiDonut
#1 Owned by General Roshambo #2 Owned by Unknown #3 Owned by brianj75 #4 Owned by unknown #5 Owned by duvalst001 #6 Owned by gabriel-pixel #7 Owned by freedomfreinds #8 Owned by moodrei #9 Owned by Klit0sa #10 Owned by B3KROBB #11 N/A