Morrigan Aensland is a fictional character in the video game series Darkstalkers. She first appeared in Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors (Vampire: The Night Warriors in Japan). She is an anti-hero and a main protagonist alongside Demitri Maximoff. In the series main canon, Morrigan's father, Belial Aensland, had split her power into three. Later in the events of Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire, Jedah Dohma would find part of this power and give it a body as Lilith. Here she is in a bathing suit.
Character: Morrigan
Game: Darkstalkers
Martial Art: Succubus
Vixen Rank: 3
Tier: 1
Main Attack: Sexual Embrace - Command Basic
Super: Darkness Illusion + Dizzy
Groove: S-Groove
Trading Card
#1 Johnny Vio #2 Fred Costa #3 DokiDonut #4 Maniac Mojo #5 CrestiePops #6 Jboog
#1 Orangesoda69 #2 Dinosrock #3 Flannagan07 #4 ig_the_og #5 sarolde #6 Streetbreakerx2 #7 God_Fist #8 sarolde #9 crestipops #10 Amanogau #11 Hydrobonkers #12 AnthonyHeartNet #13 Andy Vasquez #14 Meowthie #15 Maniac Mojo #16 Rye666 #17 blushlipstiprepeat #18 FailedtoRender #19 Sam2Disney #20 DragonJL #21 LLTCGTITANLL #22 Halo1Rules #23 Johnny Vio #24 FredCosta #25 DokiDonut #26 JBoog
#1 Mihai_NFT #2 lekbir #3 CCNO #4 Madpark #5 Unknown #6 kruggadare #7 unknown #8 kosgnft #9 THEOGGISH #10 Buy_NFTs #11 CyptoBeginner_005 #12 my_balls_are_in_your_mouth #13 Unknown #14 Cifereca_Arto #15 Unknown #16 Unknown #17 Anarchy09 #18 GeneralRoshambo #19 PixelArtAndGame #20 The_Great_One69 #21 The_Great_One69 #22 Duvalst001 #23 Duvalst001 #24 EDHUKKU #25 EDHUKKU