Shermie (シェルミー) is a video game character in The King of Fighters series series who is a member of the Orochi Team (temporarily under disguised team name, "New Faces Team" in KOF '97).[2][3] She is one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Orochi who is the dark counterpart to Benimaru Nikaido. Here she is dancing.
- Character: Shermie
- Game: King Of The Fighters
- Martial Art: Wrestling
- Fighting Type: Wrestler Type
- Vixen Rank: 2 / Holographic Tier2 : 2 / Holographic Tier : 3
- Main Attack: Shermie Whip - Special
- Super: Shermie Exposition * Super Paralizes Enemy
- Groove:X-Groove
Tier 1 Holo |
#1 AnthonyHeartNet
Tier 2 Holo |
#1 AnthonyHeartNet
Tier 3 Holo |
#1 DarkQueen
#1 Owned by Klit0sa
4x6 Print |
#1 Owned by streetbreakerx2